Admiring the Empire; Apple Dings and Dents
APPLE GROWERS spend their year trying to grow perfect fruit, and they succeed a remarkable amount of the time. The…

Orange New England Apples
MOST PEOPLE THINK RED first when they think of apples. This takes in a multitude of varieties, after all, like…

Marvelous Macoun Apples
FEW APPLES ARE AS EAGERLY ANTICIPATED every fall as Macoun, and apple lovers will be happy to know that they…

Nothing Beats a McIntosh Apple
COMPARED TO MANY VARIETIES, McIntosh is a finicky apple. The creamy flesh beneath its thin skin bruises easily, and, more…

A Virtual Orchard Tour on New England Apple Day
TODAY, APPLES ARE BEING CELEBRATED around the region as part of the third annual New England Apple Day. The fresh crop…

Time to Get Wealthy
WEALTHY IS A MIDWESTERN HEIRLOOM with New England roots. In 1853, Peter Gideon moved to Minnesota and began experimenting with apple…

New England Expects a Good 2011 Apple Crop
GET READY for a crisp, juicy crop of New England apples this fall as the region’s orchards move into the…

Early New England Apples: Ginger Gold and Jersey Mac
IF YOU ARE HANKERING for an early season apple, your ship has come in. Two of the earliest varieties, Ginger…

Pollination and Spring Bloom
NEW ENGLAND’S APPLE ORCHARDS are about to blossom. After last year’s early bloom — two or three weeks in some…

Peels on! Caramelize! (Apple Puff Omelet, and the High Cost of Picking Apples)
I CAN HEAR THEM NOW, sizzling in the cast iron skillet, the colorful mix of New England apples (you should…

New England Orchard Pruning, ‘IPM,’ and Apple-plum Combo
APPLES ARE SO AGREEABLE. Invite them to breakfast, lunch, or dinner and they will feel quite at home. It doesn’t…

New England Apple Valentine
WANT TO IMPRESS your sweetheart with a sensual Valentine’s Day treat that goes straight to the heart and is more…