The Apple Party Known As CiderDays
CROWDS AS DIVERSE and far-flung as the apples they came to admire swarmed on Franklin County in western Massachusetts last…
Winning Apple Pies Feature Golden Delicious, and a Mix
JUDGING BEGAN earlier this year, late morning rather than early afternoon, and that meant a change in routine. Like a…
Fresh Spencers in Mrs. Cheney’s Nobby Apple Cake
ONE OF THE NEWER and less heralded of the offspring of McIntosh is Spencer. Spencer is a cross of McIntosh…
In With the New (Cameo, CrimsonCrisp, and Topaz)
NEW APPLE varieties are continually being developed, some the old-fashioned way, as chance seedlings in the wild, and others in…
McIntosh Babies (Cortland, Empire, and Macoun)
THE INFLUENCE of McIntosh on the world’s apple supply extends well beyond the McIntosh itself. Its exceptional flavor, juiciness, and…
McIntosh and Apple Crisp
APPLES COME and apples go, but McIntosh is that rare variety whose popularity never fades. It took nearly 70 years…
It’s New England Apple Day!
A beautiful hillside at Sunnycrest Farm in Londonderry, New Hampshire TODAY MARKS the official celebration of the fresh apple harvest…
A Healthy Outlook for New England Apples; Introducing Akane and Sansa
NEW ENGLAND’S APPLE ORCHARDS expect a good crop this fall with an estimated 3.5 million 42-pound boxes, just under the…
Pristine, Mollie’s Delicious, and Chunky Apple Bars
MOLLIE’S DELICIOUS and Pristine, two of the best early season apples, are relatively new varieties, both developed at Rutgers University…
Early Heirloom Apples: Red Astrachan, Melba, and Yellow Transparent
THE APPLE’S unparalleled versatility as a food is well documented. Apples are good eaten fresh or cooked, can be served…
Welcome Vista Bella and Green Tomato and Apple Pie
APPLE SEASON is upon us! Our eyes spied a roadside stand with the word “Apples” while driving through western Vermont…
New England Apple Blossom Blizzard
IT IS APPLE BLOSSOM time in New England’s orchards. The bloom is about on schedule for a typical year, with varieties…