Apples: The Colors of Fall
EVEN BEFORE the leaves turn color, there is every imaginable shade in New England’s apple orchards. Click on the apple’s…

The Best Pie Apple (and Our 2022 Calendar!)
WHAT IS THE BEST APPLE for apple pie? It is among our most frequently asked questions. It is a matter of…

A Healthy Outlook for New England Apples
WHILE THE 2020 CROP was smaller than normal, there are plenty of crisp, delicious New England apples available at many orchards,…

Apple Pie Times
IT’S NO WONDER that we have felt apple-pie deprived this fall. Consider: FORTUNATELY, Joanne DiNardo and Nina Scott came to the…

An Apple By Any Other Name
EMPIRE AND JONAGOLD, two of the best later-season apples, are now ready at New England orchards, farm stands, and grocery stores….

Double Vision (and Apple Squares)
MANY NEW ENGLAND ORCHARDS offer spectacular views of the surrounding countryside. Situated atop hills, overlooking valleys, or nestled in among the…

The Most Prolific Apple
ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING things about the apple is how it connects us to our past. A history book, a…

Take a Walk with an Apple, the Original Juice Box
AN APPLE is many things. Apples are a valuable food, first and foremost, chock full of phytonutrients and antioxidants, high in…

Pies, Brownies, and Late-Season Apple Gold
WITH FROST expected over most of the region over the next few days, the fresh apple harvest is likely headed…

Empire and Jonagold: Great Apples By Any Name
EMPIRE AND JONAGOLD apples have a lot in common. They are mid- to late-season apples with outstanding flavor and texture….

Sunday Morning Apple Omelet
APPLES CAN MAKE an exquisite omelet, especially if they are caramelized first. In addition to softening the apples, caramelizing —…

Winning Apple Pies
CALL IT beginner’s luck. “It was the first attempt I ever made at writing my own recipe and baking an…