There is Art in Every Orchard
THERE IS SO MUCH MORE to a New England orchard than fresh, nutritious fruit. Apples are living history, after all, direct…

The Colors of August: Ginger Gold and Paula Red
APPLES COME IN MANY SHADES, mostly reds, greens, and yellows. Two of the best early season apples include their color…

When to Eat a Yellow Transparent
WHEN DO YOU EAT a Yellow Transparent apple? The short answer: soon. That’s because their season is short, and they do…

Sizing Up the Apples
APPLE SEASON is just weeks away. The earliest varieties, heirlooms like Red Astrachan and Yellow Transparent, in fact, will be ready for picking within…

Apples, Strawberries, and Cider
THIS WILL BE A CHALLENGING YEAR for many of the region’s apple growers. After losing most of the peach crop due…

A Great Glass of Ciders (and You Can Take it Home!)
SATURDAY’S FIRST-EVER SPRING CIDER SOCIAL will bring together the magnificent orchard in bloom; crisp, locally grown apples; impressive guest speakers;…

A Historic Spring Cider Social May 13
GET A TASTE OF SWEET THINGS to come by strolling through an apple orchard in bloom and sipping some of the…

In Memoriam: Frank Carlson
NEW ENGLAND LOST a giant of the apple world March 31 with the passing of Frank Carlson, age 79. He was…

A Delectable Apple Valentine
IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THINGS SWEET with your honey this Valentine’s Day (or if you just have a sweet tooth), try…

Baking with Apples for the Holidays
IT IS NO WONDER that apples feature prominently in holiday celebrations. They represent the bounty of the year’s harvest. They brighten…

Delivering the Apples for Thanksgiving
NEW ENGLAND APPLE GROWERS can sometimes seem a pessimistic lot. No matter what time of year you talk to them, their…

A Fresh Apple Bake, Macouns, and Orchard Sculpture
THERE ARE ALMOST AS MANY WAYS to cook apples as there are apples, as is evidenced by the sheer number of…