Cider History in the Making
NEW ENGLAND IS ONCE AGAIN making history with cider. For nearly two centuries cider, fresh and hard, was America’s favorite…

A Delectable Apple Valentine
IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THINGS SWEET with your honey this Valentine’s Day (or if you just have a sweet tooth), try…

A Gallery of Growers (and Late-Season Apples)
AN APPLE GROWER is many things: A gardener first and foremost, of course, on a grand scale. An arborist; while most…

Apples Good As Gold
MOST PEOPLE think “red” when they think apple. The vast majority of apples feature the color, after all, and popular cultural…

Dining with Apples from Salad to Dessert
NO FOOD is more versatile or adaptable than apples. Apples are equally good eaten fresh or cooked. Apples go well with…

Apples: The Colors of Fall
EVEN BEFORE the leaves turn color, there is every imaginable shade in New England’s apple orchards. Click on the apple’s…

Mutsu and Stayman Among the Year’s Best Late-season Apples
SOME OF THE BEST New England apples from the 2015 fresh harvest are still available in stores. Cortlands and McIntosh…

New England Apples from the USA
THE AMAZING APPLE has traveled back and forth across America since its arrival in New England in 1623, and nearly…