Apple Rhapsody
“A WORD OF CAUTION to those entering an apple orchard for the first time: the experience can be overwhelming. Apples are…

Wealthy, Hermits, and the 2016 New England Apple Crop
WEALTHY, like the late-season apple Northern Spy, is a variety that was first grown in another state with seeds from…

Time to Get Hopping (to New England’s Apple Orchards)
THERE IS NOTHING like a day of orchard hopping to get the juices going about the 2015 apple crop. We…

The Apples are Coming!
THE FIRST early season New England apples are already being picked! To learn more, and to find out what we…

What is the Best Pie Apple?
AFTER TWO MONTHS of intensive research, we are forced to admit failure — once again — in our perennial quest…

New England Apples, Early October
THE 2014 NEW ENGLAND APPLE crop is decidedly uneven. Some orchards have plenty of fruit, some just miles away have…

Trans-Atlantic Flair: European Apples in New England
EUROPEAN COUNTRIES have produced only a few new apples in recent years. But several venerable heirlooms still grown in New…

New England Apples from Neighboring New York
ALTHOUGH THEY SOMETIMES COMPETE in the marketplace, New England and New York apple growers have a long tradition of cooperation…

Rare, Strange, and Delicious: English Apples in New England
IT HAS NOT PRODUCED a new apple for a century. Its apples are typically small — in one instance, no bigger than…

McIntosh Plus: New England Apples from Canada
IF McINTOSH were its sole contribution, Canada would occupy a special place among producers of New England apples. McIntosh has…

McIntosh and Apple Crisp
APPLES COME and apples go, but McIntosh is that rare variety whose popularity never fades. It took nearly 70 years…

Green New England Apple Orchards
NEW ENGLAND’S APPLE ORCHARDS are the site of more and more solar and wind installations and other renewable energy systems. It…