McIntosh, Still the Gold Standard
THE APPLE is an amazing food. It comes in all colors and shapes. It is extremely prolific, and it is…

Winning Apple Pies
CONGRATULATIONS to the wife-and-husband team of Lori and Michael Meiners and their four-year-old son, Jack, winners in this year’s Great…

Classic Heirlooms: Baldwin and Northern Spy
THEY NO LONGER dominate the New England apple industry, but Baldwin and Northern Spy are two delicious heirlooms that remain…

Apple Stir-Fry
FEW DISHES are as satisfying and easy to prepare as a stir-fry. Just coat the bottom of a skillet with…

New England’s Apple Crop Approaching its Peak
A BRIEF TOUR of Vermont orchards Monday shows how New England’s 2016 apple crop is shaping up. Mid-season varieties like…

Apple Pie Time
GET READY to reset your inner clocks this weekend, and turn up your ovens. With the holidays less than a…

Mid-season Pleasures: Empire and Spencer
IT TAKES YEARS, sometimes decades, between the time an apple variety is discovered and it becomes available to the public….

My Favorite Apple
NEXT TO “What is the best pie apple?” the question I am asked the most — and which I frequently…

How to Eat a Fresh Apple
TWICE A DAY at least I reach into a paper bag in my refrigerator and pull out an apple. It…

What is the Best Pie Apple?
AFTER TWO MONTHS of intensive research, we are forced to admit failure — once again — in our perennial quest…

New England Apples on New England Apple Day
IT SEEMS ONLY FITTING to celebrate native New England apples on New England Apple Day Wednesday, September 3. The New England…

Classic Cookers: Northern Spy, Baldwin, and Rhode Island Greening
A CENTURY AGO they were the three most popular varieties in the Northeast. Today, Baldwin, Rhode Island Greening, and Northern…