Apples and Climate Change
WHEN IT COMES TO APPLES and climate change, people tend to think of major weather events. Three significant events combined to…

Apple Windfall
BY MID-OCTOBER every year our house is brimming with apples and flowing with cider. The apples run the gamut from early…

It’s Peak Time in the Orchard
MOST NEW ENGLAND APPLE GROWERS feature a range of varieties, including classics like Cortland and McIntosh that ripen in early to mid-September, and popular…

A Gallery of Growers (and Late-Season Apples)
AN APPLE GROWER is many things: A gardener first and foremost, of course, on a grand scale. An arborist; while most…

Finding Your Favorite Apple
ONE OF THE GREAT VIRTUES of New England’s apple orchards is their diversity. Every orchard is different in landscape, growing style,…

What’s So Special About A New England Apple?
THERE ARE MANY REASONS to choose locally grown apples. Almost any fruit or vegetable, from strawberries to tomatoes, tastes better the…

Heirloom Apples: A Bite of History
HISTORIANS, WRITERS, FILMMAKERS have tried in countless ways to imagine, preserve, and understand the past. Our connection to our ancestors informs…

The Best Pie Apple (and Our 2022 Calendar!)
WHAT IS THE BEST APPLE for apple pie? It is among our most frequently asked questions. It is a matter of…

Apple Pie Times
IT’S NO WONDER that we have felt apple-pie deprived this fall. Consider: FORTUNATELY, Joanne DiNardo and Nina Scott came to the…

Great October Apples
SOME OF THE BEST APPLES of the New England harvest ripen in October. As days grow shorter and nights get cooler,…

Apple Growers Face COVID-19
NEW ENGLAND’S FRUIT GROWERS know what it is like to be vulnerable to the forces of nature. Whether it is…

Jonagold, and New England Apple Muffins
WITH OCTOBER comes a rush of late-season apples, from the New England heirlooms Baldwin and Northern Spy, to a trio…