Golden Delicious
Though not related to Red Delicious, Golden Delicious shares its shape and many of its leading characteristics. Like the Red,…

A Tale of Two Delicious Apples
THEY ARE BOTH mostly sweet, conical in shape, late-season apples. Their names are identical except for their predominant coloring. They…

Mid-season Pleasures: Empire and Spencer
IT TAKES YEARS, sometimes decades, between the time an apple variety is discovered and it becomes available to the public….

New England Apples from the USA
THE AMAZING APPLE has traveled back and forth across America since its arrival in New England in 1623, and nearly…

Late Season Gold (Delicious, Mutsu, and GoldRush) In Apple Bread Pudding
GOLDEN APPLES have been potent symbols of beauty, desire, and power over centuries in cultures around the globe. They appear in…