A Fresh Apple Bake, Macouns, and Orchard Sculpture
THERE ARE ALMOST AS MANY WAYS to cook apples as there are apples, as is evidenced by the sheer number of…

Hot on the Orchard Trail (Macouns are in!)
THIS WEEKEND many orchards will begin harvesting Macoun, one of the most highly anticipated apples of the New England harvest. …

The Most Prolific Apple
ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING things about the apple is how it connects us to our past. A history book, a…

Macoun is a medium to large-sized apple, deep red over a green base. Many consider Macoun the best tasting apple,…

McIntosh Babies (Cortland, Empire, and Macoun)
THE INFLUENCE of McIntosh on the world’s apple supply extends well beyond the McIntosh itself. Its exceptional flavor, juiciness, and…

Marvelous Macoun Apples
FEW APPLES ARE AS EAGERLY ANTICIPATED every fall as Macoun, and apple lovers will be happy to know that they…

New England Apple Pie Crust
Apple pie should be eaten “while it is yet florescent, white or creamy yellow, with the merest drip of candied…