A Delectable Apple Valentine
IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THINGS SWEET with your honey this Valentine’s Day (or if you just have a sweet tooth), try…

Russets for Walking and Cider
AN APPLE is the perfect walking companion, appealing to all the senses while providing a sweet, healthy energy boost. An apple…

Apples Good As Gold
MOST PEOPLE think “red” when they think apple. The vast majority of apples feature the color, after all, and popular cultural…

What’s So Special About A New England Apple?
THERE ARE MANY REASONS to choose locally grown apples. Almost any fruit or vegetable, from strawberries to tomatoes, tastes better the…

As Apples Size, It’s Raining Berries
IN JUST A FEW SHORT WEEKS, apple season will begin. The earliest varieties — heirlooms like Red Astrachan and Yellow Transparent, and newer…

30 Shades of Apple
THE TIME FOR PICKING apples fresh off the tree is fast coming to a close. Many New England orchards operate…

Apples: The Colors of Fall
EVEN BEFORE the leaves turn color, there is every imaginable shade in New England’s apple orchards. Click on the apple’s…

The Best Pie Apple (and Our 2022 Calendar!)
WHAT IS THE BEST APPLE for apple pie? It is among our most frequently asked questions. It is a matter of…

Great October Apples
SOME OF THE BEST APPLES of the New England harvest ripen in October. As days grow shorter and nights get cooler,…

Apple Growers Face COVID-19
NEW ENGLAND’S FRUIT GROWERS know what it is like to be vulnerable to the forces of nature. Whether it is…

Apple Pie, Cameos, and Trademarks
WHAT APPLE makes the best apple pie? Food writer Ken Haedrich, in his 2002 book Apple Pie Perfect, says that almost…

Good Now, Better Later: Idared and Suncrisp
SOME APPLES, like fine wines, improve with age. Two relatively new varieties, Suncrisp and Idared — are examples. Their flavor…