What’s So Special About A New England Apple?
THERE ARE MANY REASONS to choose locally grown apples. Almost any fruit or vegetable, from strawberries to tomatoes, tastes better the…

Apple Season in Full Swing
IT WAS A GREAT DAY Saturday for apple lovers of all ages as they flocked to New England apple orchards…

Meet the Apples and Artists
TWO OF NEW ENGLAND’s leading strengths — the diversity of its apples and orchards, and its preeminence in ciders — will…

Apple Art
APPLES HAVE INSPIRED countless artists over the centuries, attracted by their dazzling colors, interesting shapes, and iconic cultural status. A…

Wealthy, Hermits, and the 2016 New England Apple Crop
WEALTHY, like the late-season apple Northern Spy, is a variety that was first grown in another state with seeds from…

Time to Get Hopping (to New England’s Apple Orchards)
THERE IS NOTHING like a day of orchard hopping to get the juices going about the 2015 apple crop. We…

A Quality 2014 Apple Forecast for New England (Plus Zestar! and Sweet Sixteen)
NEW ENGLAND expects a high-quality apple crop this fall with outstanding color as a result of the summer’s cool days…

Time to Get Wealthy
WEALTHY IS A MIDWESTERN HEIRLOOM with New England roots. In 1853, Peter Gideon moved to Minnesota and began experimenting with apple…