Apple Pie Times
IT’S NO WONDER that we have felt apple-pie deprived this fall. Consider: FORTUNATELY, Joanne DiNardo and Nina Scott came to the…

Winning Apple Pies
CONGRATULATIONS to the wife-and-husband team of Lori and Michael Meiners and their four-year-old son, Jack, winners in this year’s Great…

Apple Pie Bakers, Start Your Ovens!
ANY TIME is a good time for apple pie, but the bountiful fresh harvest presents plentiful opportunities for experimenting or…

Winning Apple Pies
CALL IT beginner’s luck. “It was the first attempt I ever made at writing my own recipe and baking an…

Apple Pie Time
GET READY to reset your inner clocks this weekend, and turn up your ovens. With the holidays less than a…

What is the Best Pie Apple?
AFTER TWO MONTHS of intensive research, we are forced to admit failure — once again — in our perennial quest…

Winning Apple Pies Feature Golden Delicious, and a Mix
JUDGING BEGAN earlier this year, late morning rather than early afternoon, and that meant a change in routine. Like a…

Apple Pies! Pies! Pies!
MORE THAN 60 pies from around New England graced the tables at the 3rd Annual Great New England Pie Contest…

Scenes From a New England Orchard (and Apple Hermits)
THE DAY BEGAN damp and dreary, but Bolton Orchards in Bolton, Massachusetts, was beautiful nonetheless on Sunday, with a few…

Winning New England Apple Pie Recipes Feature Cortlands
THE BIG WINNER at Mount Wachusett AppleFest’s second annual apple pie contest October 15? The Cortland. It was the only…

Notes From an Apple Pie Judge
THIRTY-FIVE APPLE PIES in less than two hours. I paced myself this year, taking two bites from each — just…