Plenty Of Apples In The Forecast
THERE’S GOOD NEWS for apple lovers! Despite drought conditions that have impacted much of the six-state region, most New England orchards…

Meet the Apples and Artists
TWO OF NEW ENGLAND’s leading strengths — the diversity of its apples and orchards, and its preeminence in ciders — will…

The Most Prolific Apple
ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING things about the apple is how it connects us to our past. A history book, a…

Apple Raspberry Crisp
FOR A SPECTACULAR variation on apple crisp, add raspberries. The resulting mix of flavors is complex and superb, as both…

Mid-season Pleasures: Empire and Spencer
IT TAKES YEARS, sometimes decades, between the time an apple variety is discovered and it becomes available to the public….

McIntosh Plus: New England Apples from Canada
IF McINTOSH were its sole contribution, Canada would occupy a special place among producers of New England apples. McIntosh has…

Fresh Spencers in Mrs. Cheney’s Nobby Apple Cake
ONE OF THE NEWER and less heralded of the offspring of McIntosh is Spencer. Spencer is a cross of McIntosh…