It’s Cider Donut Season
CIDER DONUTS have become nearly as synonymous with a New England fall as apples and foliage. Every orchard’s cider donuts are…

Entering the Fruitful Forest
AN APPLE ORCHARD has many attractions: A FRUITFUL FOREST filled with bright, colorful apples; home to bluebirds; lightly fragrant; beautifully maintained;…

Delivering the Apples for Thanksgiving
NEW ENGLAND APPLE GROWERS can sometimes seem a pessimistic lot. No matter what time of year you talk to them, their…

A Gallery of Growers (and Late-Season Apples)
AN APPLE GROWER is many things: A gardener first and foremost, of course, on a grand scale. An arborist; while most…

October Orchard And Big E Friends!
THIS WEEKEND may be your last chance to go apple picking at many New England orchards. Many farm stores remain open…

August Apples
AUGUST APPLES. THE DOUBLE ENTENDRE is intentional. These varieties ripen this month, and they are a robust, impressive bunch. Here are…

What Makes New England Apples Special?
MOST OF NEW ENGLAND’S FRESH-GROWN APPLES are consumed right here where they are grown. That means consumers get the freshest fruit…

Blossom Time!
THE ORCHARD is a beautiful place at any time of year, and the start of the growing season, spring bloom, is…

A Healthy Outlook for New England Apples
WHILE THE 2020 CROP was smaller than normal, there are plenty of crisp, delicious New England apples available at many orchards,…

Great October Apples
SOME OF THE BEST APPLES of the New England harvest ripen in October. As days grow shorter and nights get cooler,…

Feast Your Eyes, Then Your Palate!
THERE’S NO BETTER PLACE to enjoy the New England landscape than its apple orchards. No two orchards are exactly alike,…

Take a Walk with an Apple, the Original Juice Box
AN APPLE is many things. Apples are a valuable food, first and foremost, chock full of phytonutrients and antioxidants, high in…