Apples and Climate Change
WHEN IT COMES TO APPLES and climate change, people tend to think of major weather events. Three significant events combined to…

Apples Good As Gold
MOST PEOPLE think “red” when they think apple. The vast majority of apples feature the color, after all, and popular cultural…

What’s So Special About A New England Apple?
THERE ARE MANY REASONS to choose locally grown apples. Almost any fruit or vegetable, from strawberries to tomatoes, tastes better the…

Dining with Apples from Salad to Dessert
NO FOOD is more versatile or adaptable than apples. Apples are equally good eaten fresh or cooked. Apples go well with…

Heirloom Apples: A Bite of History
HISTORIANS, WRITERS, FILMMAKERS have tried in countless ways to imagine, preserve, and understand the past. Our connection to our ancestors informs…

Apple Pie Times
IT’S NO WONDER that we have felt apple-pie deprived this fall. Consider: FORTUNATELY, Joanne DiNardo and Nina Scott came to the…

Great October Apples
SOME OF THE BEST APPLES of the New England harvest ripen in October. As days grow shorter and nights get cooler,…

Apples for All Ages and Places
IF, as the English poet and hymnodist William Cowper (1731-1800) said, “Variety’s the very spice of life, that gives it all…

An Uplifting Apple Hash
IT STANDS TO REASON that the apple — that most gregarious of foods — would get along famously with the…

Winning Apple Pies
CALL IT beginner’s luck. “It was the first attempt I ever made at writing my own recipe and baking an…

Why the Iconic Apple?
CHANCES ARE you would not be reading this if I were writing about spinach or carrots. Healthy and delicious as…

How to Eat a Fresh Apple
TWICE A DAY at least I reach into a paper bag in my refrigerator and pull out an apple. It…