Cider History in the Making
NEW ENGLAND IS ONCE AGAIN making history with cider. For nearly two centuries cider, fresh and hard, was America’s favorite…

Sizing Up the Apples
APPLE SEASON is just weeks away. The earliest varieties, heirlooms like Red Astrachan and Yellow Transparent, in fact, will be ready for picking within…

Apples Hot and Cold (with Apple Breakfast Cake)
NOW THAT THE 2022 APPLE HARVEST IS OVER, apple-filled bins are stacked floor to ceiling in the region’s cold storage…

Russets for Walking and Cider
AN APPLE is the perfect walking companion, appealing to all the senses while providing a sweet, healthy energy boost. An apple…

Finding Your Favorite Apple
ONE OF THE GREAT VIRTUES of New England’s apple orchards is their diversity. Every orchard is different in landscape, growing style,…

Peach Perfect
FEW DESSERTS or snacks are as sweet, juicy, and tender as a ripe peach from close to where it was grown…

A Toast to Cider
RICH, FROTHY CIDER, fresh or hard, is as complex and variable as the fruit from which it is made. Now…

It’s Crunch Time!
THERE ARE MORE FLAVORS, textures, and colors than ever at New England’s apple orchards as the fresh harvest approaches its…

What Makes New England Apples Special?
MOST OF NEW ENGLAND’S FRESH-GROWN APPLES are consumed right here where they are grown. That means consumers get the freshest fruit…

Apple Season in Full Swing
IT WAS A GREAT DAY Saturday for apple lovers of all ages as they flocked to New England apple orchards…

Meet the Apples and Artists
TWO OF NEW ENGLAND’s leading strengths — the diversity of its apples and orchards, and its preeminence in ciders — will…

A Good Crop of Apples (and Art)!
NEW ENGLAND EXPECTS a good apple crop in 2021, a welcome development after last year’s smaller-than-normal one. Apple growers face a…