Apple Picking: ‘It’s Like a Song in My Mouth’
By ADRIENNE ANIFANT WHEN I WAS A CHILD, my grandfather used to take my mother and me berry picking at…

Entering the Fruitful Forest
AN APPLE ORCHARD has many attractions: A FRUITFUL FOREST filled with bright, colorful apples; home to bluebirds; lightly fragrant; beautifully maintained;…

Delivering the Apples for Thanksgiving
NEW ENGLAND APPLE GROWERS can sometimes seem a pessimistic lot. No matter what time of year you talk to them, their…

A Gallery of Growers (and Late-Season Apples)
AN APPLE GROWER is many things: A gardener first and foremost, of course, on a grand scale. An arborist; while most…

October Orchard And Big E Friends!
THIS WEEKEND may be your last chance to go apple picking at many New England orchards. Many farm stores remain open…

How To Treat An Apple (Apple Crisp Is Back!)
APPLES, compared to most fruits and vegetables, are remarkably sturdy. Handled and stored properly, they will keep for weeks or…

Awash with Apples
NEW ENGLAND ORCHARDS that escaped the late frost in part or full — and they are the vast majority —…

It’s Crunch Time!
THERE ARE MORE FLAVORS, textures, and colors than ever at New England’s apple orchards as the fresh harvest approaches its…

Macoun Lovers, Rejoice!
MACOUN LOVERS, rejoice! Your apple has come in. This exquisitely flavored apple, the favorite fresh eating of many, is now…

Apple Stir-Fry
FEW DISHES are as satisfying and easy to prepare as a stir-fry. Just coat the bottom of a skillet with…

You Say ‘Gal-la, I Say ‘Gay-la’
NO MATTER how you pronounce it, Gala is among the very best sweet apples. It has more character and nuance…

What is the Best Pie Apple?
AFTER TWO MONTHS of intensive research, we are forced to admit failure — once again — in our perennial quest…