Apple Windfall
BY MID-OCTOBER every year our house is brimming with apples and flowing with cider. The apples run the gamut from early…

It’s Peak Time in the Orchard
MOST NEW ENGLAND APPLE GROWERS feature a range of varieties, including classics like Cortland and McIntosh that ripen in early to mid-September, and popular…

Apple Picking: ‘It’s Like a Song in My Mouth’
By ADRIENNE ANIFANT WHEN I WAS A CHILD, my grandfather used to take my mother and me berry picking at…

Entering the Fruitful Forest
AN APPLE ORCHARD has many attractions: A FRUITFUL FOREST filled with bright, colorful apples; home to bluebirds; lightly fragrant; beautifully maintained;…

Baking with Apples for the Holidays
IT IS NO WONDER that apples feature prominently in holiday celebrations. They represent the bounty of the year’s harvest. They brighten…

A Fresh Apple Bake, Macouns, and Orchard Sculpture
THERE ARE ALMOST AS MANY WAYS to cook apples as there are apples, as is evidenced by the sheer number of…

Peeling Back An Apple’s Name
APPLE NAMES are as diverse — and informative and curious — as the fruit they describe. Early marketers tried to distinguish…

Finding Your Favorite Apple
ONE OF THE GREAT VIRTUES of New England’s apple orchards is their diversity. Every orchard is different in landscape, growing style,…

Raise A Birthday Toast To Johnny Appleseed
IT IS FITTING that Massachusetts native John Chapman’s birthday falls smack in the middle of the fresh apple harvest. That’s because…

What’s So Special About A New England Apple?
THERE ARE MANY REASONS to choose locally grown apples. Almost any fruit or vegetable, from strawberries to tomatoes, tastes better the…

Enjoying the Fruits of Their Labors
THE NEXT FEW WEEKS are an ideal time to savor the last of the excellence of New England’s 2021 fresh…

Great New England Apples
FEBRUARY IS AN IDEAL TIME to seek out New England-grown apples and ciders at farm stands, farmers markets, and grocery stores….