Russets for Walking and Cider
AN APPLE is the perfect walking companion, appealing to all the senses while providing a sweet, healthy energy boost. An apple…

Finding Your Favorite Apple
ONE OF THE GREAT VIRTUES of New England’s apple orchards is their diversity. Every orchard is different in landscape, growing style,…

30 Shades of Apple
THE TIME FOR PICKING apples fresh off the tree is fast coming to a close. Many New England orchards operate…

Russets: Small Size, Big Flavor
THEY ARE AMONG the most flavorful of apples. They excel in ciders, fresh and hard. Yet russet apples remain a mystery…

Winning Apple Pies
CONGRATULATIONS to the wife-and-husband team of Lori and Michael Meiners and their four-year-old son, Jack, winners in this year’s Great…

Apple Rhapsody
“A WORD OF CAUTION to those entering an apple orchard for the first time: the experience can be overwhelming. Apples are…

My Favorite Apple
NEXT TO “What is the best pie apple?” the question I am asked the most — and which I frequently…

New England Apples from the USA
THE AMAZING APPLE has traveled back and forth across America since its arrival in New England in 1623, and nearly…

Pears with Apples (Like Shamrock, Honeycrisp, and Hudson’s Golden Gem)
PEARS PLAY a supporting role to apples in New England. You never hear of a pear orchard with a few apple…

Classic Cookers: Northern Spy, Baldwin, and Rhode Island Greening
A CENTURY AGO they were the three most popular varieties in the Northeast. Today, Baldwin, Rhode Island Greening, and Northern…