Pears with Apples (Like Shamrock, Honeycrisp, and Hudson’s Golden Gem)
PEARS PLAY a supporting role to apples in New England. You never hear of a pear orchard with a few apple…

New England Apple Pie
WHAT IS the best pie apple? There are several schools of thought on this. Some people have their absolute favorites,…

Something Old (Cortland), Something New (Honeycrisp)
CORTLAND AND HONEYCRISP are two of the more popular apple varieties in New England, albeit for different reasons. The all-purpose…

New England Apple Crisp
A FRESH APPLE PIE is a thing of beauty, delicious, substantial and versatile — elegant enough for a dinner party, familiar enough for…

It’s Time to Celebrate New England Apples
ALTHOUGH APPLES HAVE BEEN PICKED for the past few weeks, the official kickoff of the 2010 New England Fresh Apple…