Apples and Climate Change
WHEN IT COMES TO APPLES and climate change, people tend to think of major weather events. Three significant events combined to…

Tasty, Tangy Apple Cornbread Stuffing
ADRIENNE ANIFANT WHEN I WAS A CHILD, I would wait all year for Thanksgiving so I could indulge in my…

Apple Windfall
BY MID-OCTOBER every year our house is brimming with apples and flowing with cider. The apples run the gamut from early…

Raise a Toast to CiderDays and John Chapman (aka Johnny Appleseed)!
IT IS ONLY FITTING that, during the week leading up to what would have been a three-day celebration of apple cider,…

Hot on the Orchard Trail (Macouns are in!)
THIS WEEKEND many orchards will begin harvesting Macoun, one of the most highly anticipated apples of the New England harvest. …

New Season, New Website, and Apple Tart with Mascarpone
GOOD NEWS, apple lovers! The 2019 New England apple crop has arrived. Early season varieties are now being picked at…