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‘Orchard in Fog’ and Apricot Applesauce

WE RECENTLY WERE INTRODUCED to “Orchard in Fog,” a beautiful musical composition by New England native Adam Schoenberg.  Schoenberg’s “Orchard in…

‘Tis The Season For Apple Gifts

APPLES OF NEW ENGLAND (Countryman Press, 2014), a history of apple growing in New England, includes photographs and descriptions of…

‘Macoun’ Rhymes with ‘Noun’

PEOPLE MAY DIFFER on how to pronounce it, but there is nearly universal agreement that Macoun is one of the…

10 Overlooked Apples for Apple Lemon Cake

PART OF THE BEAUTY of New England’s orchards is their diversity, in size, location, crops, and, especially, their apple varieties. More…

The McIntosh will soon be ready at Sholan Farm in Leominster, Massachusetts. (Russell Steven Powell)
10 Things to Know About McIntosh, and Apple Banana Bread Recipe

The McIntosh apple was discovered by John McIntosh on his farm in Dundela, Ontario, Canada, in 1801. It was a…

2012 New England Apple Crop Forecast; Going Gravenstein

THERE WILL BE PLENTY of apples in New England’s orchards this fall, despite a smaller-than-normal crop. The region as a…

30 Shades of Apple

THE TIME FOR PICKING apples fresh off the tree is fast coming to a close. Many New England orchards operate…

A Corail is a Pinova, an Apple Crostata is Like a Galette

APPLE VARIETIES have a long tradition of having multiple names. Before it became Baldwin, the apple was known as Woodpecker,…

A Corporate Giant Slams New England Apple Growers

JONAGOLD is one of the finest apples grown in New England. In taste tests, consumers rate it highly — as high…

A Delectable Apple Valentine

IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THINGS SWEET with your honey this Valentine’s Day (or if you just have a sweet tooth), try…