Scott Winter is a medium-sized apple with an oblate, conical shape. It has dark red to maroon mottled striping over a light-green skin, which is smooth and thin. The cream-colored flesh is juicy, crisp, and light. Before it fully matures, Scott’s Winter is a good cooking apple due to its tartness. When fully ripe, it is a fine fresh-eating apple with a nice balance of sweet and tart.
Discovered: 1864 Newport, Vermont
Parentage: Unknown
Harvest: Late Season
Scott Winter was found as a seedling in 1864 on the Scott farm in Newport, Vermont, five miles from the Quebec border. Dr. Thomas H. Hoskins (1828-1895), physician, horticulturist, writer, and first American orchardist to plant and promote McIntosh, tested the hardiness of Scott Winter, and wrote about and promoted Scott Winter in his many horticultural papers and articles. The parentage of Scott Winter is unknown. This highly aromatic apple ripens in October and November, and like most late season apples, it keeps well in cold storage.