A Fresh Apple Bake, Macouns, and Orchard Sculpture
THERE ARE ALMOST AS MANY WAYS to cook apples as there are apples, as is evidenced by the sheer number of…

Russets for Walking and Cider
AN APPLE is the perfect walking companion, appealing to all the senses while providing a sweet, healthy energy boost. An apple…

A Gallery of Growers (and Late-Season Apples)
AN APPLE GROWER is many things: A gardener first and foremost, of course, on a grand scale. An arborist; while most…

October Orchard And Big E Friends!
THIS WEEKEND may be your last chance to go apple picking at many New England orchards. Many farm stores remain open…

Peeling Back An Apple’s Name
APPLE NAMES are as diverse — and informative and curious — as the fruit they describe. Early marketers tried to distinguish…

Apples Good As Gold
MOST PEOPLE think “red” when they think apple. The vast majority of apples feature the color, after all, and popular cultural…

Finding Your Favorite Apple
ONE OF THE GREAT VIRTUES of New England’s apple orchards is their diversity. Every orchard is different in landscape, growing style,…

How To Treat An Apple (Apple Crisp Is Back!)
APPLES, compared to most fruits and vegetables, are remarkably sturdy. Handled and stored properly, they will keep for weeks or…

Appreciating The Pick-Your-Own Peak
NEW ENGLAND APPLE ORCHARDS hit their sensory peak in September and October, making now the perfect time to pick your own…

What’s So Special About A New England Apple?
THERE ARE MANY REASONS to choose locally grown apples. Almost any fruit or vegetable, from strawberries to tomatoes, tastes better the…

As Apples Size, It’s Raining Berries
IN JUST A FEW SHORT WEEKS, apple season will begin. The earliest varieties — heirlooms like Red Astrachan and Yellow Transparent, and newer…

Enjoying the Fruits of Their Labors
THE NEXT FEW WEEKS are an ideal time to savor the last of the excellence of New England’s 2021 fresh…